What About The Bad Stuff? Inclusions In Your Life Story
It's wonderful to reminisce about the happy times. What happens though when you recall a difficult period or situation in your life?
Thinking about the hard stuff is, well, hard. And sometimes it takes courage to share your stories. People may have many reasons for not wanting to talk about past hardships. For one, we fear recrimination.
So what happens when you recall a particularly tough time. Do you skip it or do you address it in your story? While there is no right or wrong answer, here are some ideas to consider in deciding what stories to include, especially the stories from times of difficulty.
Talking about the hard times may allow you to move past them. It can be a liberating and highly empowering experience. Future generations could learn a lot about your tales of adversity and perhaps take inspiration from how you rose above those challenges.
Showing vulnerability is hard, but the payoff can be worth it. Family members may have certain notions about you because you haven't told them your version of a story. By speaking your truth in all its positives and negatives, you may shift the narrative of your life and your life choices for your family.
Telling your storytakes great courage. The best stories, the ones that will resonate and remain with people, maybe even influence them, are the ones that are told with honesty, vulnerability and integrity. So consider really embracing your story. Embracing the good times and the challenging ones. It is the culmination of these events and life choices that have made you who you are today.